POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : How many lines of code: eliminate plateaus in noise3d by interval change : Re: How many lines of code: eliminate plateaus in noise3d by interval change Server Time
2 Nov 2024 03:16:41 EDT (-0400)
  Re: How many lines of code: eliminate plateaus in noise3d by interval change  
From: Nathan Kopp
Date: 21 Mar 2000 15:59:17
Message: <38d7e2a5@news.povray.org>
Greg M. Johnson <gre### [at] my-dejanewscom> wrote...
> We have all discussed the issue many times without answering the
> following question:
> How *hard* would it be to "fix" pov to eliminate the plateuas that exist
> in the noise3d function?

7 lines of code (plus comments).  ...and then some parser stuff for adding
backwards compatibility.

Could be fewer, but I was going for code clarity.  :-)


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